This May and June, over 6 million students will walk down the aisle and across the stage to receive their diploma. Whether high school commencement or master’s degree, seeing the fruition of one’s hard work is always a proud occasion. With so many people reaching this milestone annually, the chances are excellent that you know a few of them right here in Houston. When selecting a gift that will give beautiful recognition to your graduates, ask the experts at Breen’s Florist for advice and inspiration.
Since ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, we have records of humanity attaching sentiments to specific flowers, and using them to convey messages of love, pride, and admiration. The species of flowers you utilize to design your bouquets can tell a story to your loved ones who are graduating. For instance, the regal and towering gladioli flower signifies courage and victory; and the purple iris indicates a recognition that the recipient is wise. Palm fronds and laurel leaves are used to exhibit honor and accomplishment and make an interesting greenery backdrop.
Roses are always a popular bloom for any occasion, and graduations are no exception. Each color of rose holds a deep meaning, and most are appropriate for graduation bouquets. The most common is a yellow rose bouquet, which represents that the recipient has reached the highest mark of distinction. Orange roses convey pride, pink roses speak to admiration, and lavender roses show respect for a job well done.
Graduation is a treasured time in the life of a student. They deserve respect for all their hard work and dedication over the years. Make sure your loved ones know just how proud you are of them. For graduation day, birthdays or any occasion this spring – Breen’s is your source for all things floral.