Believe it or not, flowers make a great Father’s Day gift.
Father’s Day is almost here, and it’s the one day of the year where we, as a nation, really reflect on the love we have for our fathers. No father is perfect, but there are so many reasons to be thankful for our fathers and when you want to say thank you, flowers are a wonderful choice. Yes, even dads appreciate flowers! Here are a few of the many reasons why your dad deserves flowers this Father’s Day.
Reason #1. He gave you life!
While your dad may not have physically carried and birthed you, without him, you wouldn’t be here. Lots of people don’t give this the kind of weight that they should, but the reality is that every time you’ve laughed, cried, loved, lost and won, it’s all because your dad gave you life, and that’s no small feat.
Reason #2. He taught you how to ride a bike.
Finally getting up on that bicycle is one of the biggest triumphs of a child’s life, and dads play a big role in getting their kids to that big day. When you were still wobbly and unsure, he held your bike, making sure you didn’t fall. And, when he knew you were ready, he pushed you off and let you go, allowing you to grow your confidence and experience the thrill of doing it on your own.
Reason #3. He forgives you when you mess up.
Just as there’s no such thing as a perfect dad, there’s also no such thing as a perfect son or daughter. We all mess up from time to time; it’s simply human nature. But, where would we be if our dads weren’t there to help us brush it off and move past it? Dads have no illusions about their kids being perfect, but they’re always there with open arms and unending forgiveness when we’re ready to accept it, and that’s well worth being thankful for.
Reason #4. He’s always been there for you.
Some moments in life are easy; all you really have to do is float and enjoy the ride. But, other moments aren’t so easy, and it’s those moments that we are thankful that our dads are always there for us. Your dad may not be able to solve every problem or give you the perfect answer to every question, but he’s there to support and encourage you no matter what, and that’s worth celebrating.

Say thank you to your dad this Father’s Day with flowers!
These are just a few of the many reasons to say thank you for this Father’s Day with flowers, and in our next blog, we’ll be touching on four more reasons. Until then, shop with us. We’re your premier source when you want to buy flowers in Houston, and we have the perfect special occasion flowers for every holiday, even Father’s Day! It’s never too early to order your Father’s Day flowers, so shop with us today!